Last week I was searching for how to export Users and Groups in IS but unfortunately could not found the answer and then created a thread where one of the member answered that. I believe that sharing this solution will help other developers not to struggle for the answer in future. Hope you will find it useful.
So, here is the step by step procedure to export and import Users and Groups in information steward:
Considering that you wan to promote Users and Groups from DEV Environment to Production Environment. You simply don't want to re-create everything in new environment and will make use of Users and Groups defined from DEV Environment.
Step 1: Login to Dev Environment of Central Management Console from where you want to export Custom Users and Groups and go to Promotion Management tab as shown below.
Step 2: Right click on the Promotion Jobs folder and select New Job as shown under.
Step 3: Name the Job (Ex: Test_Promotion_Job) and then select the source as 'Login to a New CMS' as shown below. You will need to enter the credentials of your DEV CMC. Select the source system and enter your user Id and Password.
Step 4: You can see a green check adjacent to Source Name if you entered the credentials correctly.
Then, Select 'Output to LCMBIAR File' as a Destination as shown below. Then click on the Create button.
Step 5: It will load all the jobs which can be promoted. Go to User Groups as shown below and check all the Groups you want to promote to Production environment as highlighted below. Then click on 'Add and Close' button.
Step 6: Now User Groups are ready to promote. Click on the Promote Button as shown below.
Step 7: Select the source system and enter the credentials of CMS. Then select the Output to LCMBIAR file. Then click on Export button as shown below and save the LCMBIAR file to your local machine. Now you have successfully exported to User Groups.
Step 8: Now, Login to your Production environment through CMS where you want to import this User Groups. Click on the Promotion Management tab.
Step 9: Right Click on the Promotion Jobs folder and then select Import file as shown below. Select the LCMBIAR file which you had saved in earlier step from your local machine.
Step 10: Then in destination select 'Login to New CMS' and pass your system name, user and password. then click on Create button as shown below.
Step 11: So you are ready to promote the User Groups from DEV to Production. Click on the Promote button as shown below.
So that's it. You can go to CMC home and click on Users and Groups to verify if all are successfully promoted to the new environment.
This is how you can export existing User Groups from existing environment to a new environment.
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